Other Programs
Numerous additional programs are available in the state of Georgia for those working in early childhood education. To learn more about these programs, visit the respective websites or reach out via email to the listed contacts.
DECAL QR Payments Programs
Payment programs for providers and employees of Quality Rated programs, funded by DECAL, include the Commitment to Quality payments and the Quality Rated Workforce Bonus. The Commitment to Quality (C2Q) payments are quarterly payments to CAPS providers of 2- and 3-star Quality Rated programs. The Quality Rated Workforce Bonus (QRWB) provides $500 to eligible employees of 1-, 2-, or 3-star Quality Rated programs.
CDA Professional Development Specialist Program
The CDA Professional Development Specialist program awards stipends to CDA Professional Development (PD) Specialists for conducting CDA verification visits to CDA candidates in Georgia.
Family Peer Ambassador Program
DECAL Family Peer Ambassadors are fathers, mothers, foster parents or kinship care givers of young children in child care, home visiting or early intervention. They attend training sessions covering various aspects of child development, quality early care and learning, as well as statewide and community resources available for families with young children. Following this training, they attend events in their local communities and share information and resources with families. Additionally, Family Peer Ambassadors offer feedback on DECAL’s websites, policies and resources aimed at assisting families. Family Peer Ambassadors receive stipends to compensate for their time and expertise.
Inclusion Program
The Inclusion Starts with “I” training series is focused on helping participants develop an understanding of inclusive practices in the early education setting. This training defines inclusion, explores the continuum of adaptations, and navigates through key components of the universal design for learning. Participants who complete the full training will receive a stipend.
LEAD - Coaches & Professional Learning Facilitators
The LEAD program is designed to improve the recruitment, retention, ongoing professional development, and quality program delivery to Georgia’s early learning workforce, by supporting more varied early learning workforce roles. The LEAD program offers a one-time bonus to participants who completed DECAL’s Professional Learning Community (PLC) Facilitator training or certification program OR who received an Early Learning Coach designation in the past 12 months.
Lifting Infants and Toddlers through Language-Rich Environments (LITTLE)
The LITTLE grant supports infant/toddler professionals in fostering positive, responsive relationships with children and building children’s foundational language and literacy skills.
Peer Support Network
The Peer Support Network awards stipends to designated leaders that conduct quarterly meetings supporting providers throughout Georgia, where they can share ideas, success stories, and lessons learned during the Quality Rated experience.
Pyramid Model
The Pyramid Model Training Series provides Pyramid Model Training to early childhood professionals, including infant, toddler, preschool and Georgia Pre-K teachers; child care center and Georgia Pre-K directors; and Family Child Care Learning Homes. The Training Series is broken down into two components; online learning modules and virtual professional learning communities. The project’s main goal is to build the capacity of early childhood educators to foster young children’s social-emotional development. Upon completion of the online learning modules and professional learning communities, participants are eligible to receive a stipend.
School Age Enrichment
The School Age Enrichment program awards trainers who participate in a learning series dedicated to enhancing the quality of school-age care and provide training sessions focused on this specific area of care.
Thriving Child Care Business Academy
The DECAL Thriving Child Care Business Academy awards stipends to owners and administrators who successfully complete a Small Study Group series consisting of four, one-hour sessions with book studies. Groups focus on one of 11 topic areas: Financial Foundations; Staff Recruitment & Retention; Mitigating Risk; Sales & Marketing; Revenue & Growth; Navigating CAPS-QR Policy Changes; Utilizing Technology; Assessing Your Business; Financial Planning; Tax Preparation Strategies; and Building a Strong Work Culture.