Resource Downloads

Instructional guides

Our team has created PDF and video guides to walk you through the steps for the tasks listed below. You’re welcome to download, print, and share them as needed.

Create and Submit an Application

DECAL Scholars New System Webinar

Create Your Georgia Professional Development System Account

Create a YourCouncil Account and Access Your Profile Page

Change Your Address in Your Profile

Change Your Name in Your Profile

Change "HEIC" to "JPG" File Type

Change Payment Type

Access Your 1099

Program guides

Our team has created PDF and video guides to walk you through our programs below. You’re welcome to download, print, and share them as needed.

Your Guide to Incentives

Incentives Video

Your Guide to CDA Scholarships

CDA Scholarships Video

Your guide to Academic Scholarships - College

Academic Scholarships Video

Your guide to Academic Scholarships - Montessori

All Programs Video


Affidavit for Lawful Presence Verification

Financial Aid for Academic Scholarships - College

CDA POWER-ED Experience Verification Page

Substitute Stipend Paid Time Off Log